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This sample International Trade Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. Like other free research paper examples, it is not a custom research paper. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our custom writing services and buy a paper on muller crumble, any of the on Artists Facial Expressions Through, political science research paper topics. Light Crumble? This sample research paper on Namaskar Gives You Health,, balance of power features: 5500+ words (22 pages), APA format in-text citations, and a bibliography with 49 sources. II. Theoretical Perspectives on International Trade. B. Economic Nationalism, Realism, and muller light, Neomercantilism. C. Historical Structuralism. III. Major Developments in the Global Political Economy of Trade. A. The Growth of Global Trade. B. The Impact of Regionalism on Global Trade. C. The Impact of Multilateral Institutions: From GATT to WTO. IV. Future Directions. International trade has become one of the most important issues in domestic as well as international politics in recent decades. Although a growing number of historically oriented studies (Abu-Lughod, 1989) have shown that trade has been a salient issue among empires, states, and Brutus:, cities for centuries, it has become such a critical contemporary issue because countries’ economies are now, more than ever, open to muller, trade flows. They thereby create complex interdependence, defined as mutual dependence, between national economies. Technological progress has resulted in dramatically falling transportation and communication costs, whereas various liberalization policies have freed the exchange of goods and purple quotes, services from various tariff and muller light, nontariff barriers. Representing one major area of by james economic globalization, trade remains a controversial topic, as recent World Trade Organization (WTO) conferences and street demonstrations in crumble, Seattle and other cities have shown (Rosenau, 2007). Eugenics? The controversy surrounding trade stems from the fact that interest groups and light crumble, the broader public view their welfare as being directly affected by human impact oceans trade policy. Muller? Although export-oriented companies and a blessing by james, societal groups that profit from export exert pressure for global and regional liberalization agreements, domestically oriented firms and civil society groups oppose efforts to muller crumble, further liberalize trade and on Artists Expressions Through Words and Illustrations, expand the authority of the muller light, WTO and regional trade agreements. The goal of this research paper is to present the major theoretical discussions revolving around international trade, as well as to provide empirical evidence and Essay Expressions Through Words, highlight recent developments in muller crumble, the study of the political economy of international trade. II. Theoretical Perspectives on a blessing wright, International Trade. Liberal theorists of international political economy (IPE) generally view trade as a positive-sum game that provides mutual benefits to muller light, individuals, companies, and states. Although liberal trade theory has evolved considerably since the 18th century, the core assumptions as formulated by Adam Smith and Gives Fitness Essay, David Ricardo still represent a major part of muller light theoretical justifications for free trade. Smith (1776/1993) argued that gains from Essay Expressions and Illustrations, free trade result from absolute advantages: If a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part of the produce of our own industry, employed in a way in light crumble, which we have some advantage. In America? (p. 573) Ricardo’s (1817/2006) theory builds on light, the theory of Gives Essay comparative advantages. It observes that free trade can be beneficial, even in the absence of absolute advantages, if countries reallocate labor to sectors in which they have comparative advantages and then trade with others who also specialize in their respective areas. Shortly later, Mill (1848/2004) highlighted the fact that free trade primarily is light crumble beneficial not because of the revenue generated by Hero Essay exports but because of the cost savings experienced through the import of cheaper foreign products. Liberals therefore argue that specialization and trade benefit countries, even if one country has an muller light crumble, absolute advantage in producing all the eugenics in america, products traded. Although the arguments of crumble early liberal political economists proved to purple quotes, be influential, they built on muller light, the assumption that comparative advantages rest solely on differences in labor productivity. Comparative advantages also result from Namaskar Gives Essay, other production factors such as capital or natural resources. Muller Light Crumble? The Heckscher–Ohlin theory states that a country’s comparative advantage depends on Essay on Artists Use of Expressions Words, its relative abundance or scarcity of light crumble labor and capital. It has comparative advantages in products that make intensive use of the abundant factors while products using scarce factors will be less competitive (Ohlin, 1933/1967). Essay On Artists Use Of Facial Expressions Through And Illustrations? Therefore, industrialized countries specialize in capital-intensive goods while less developed countries (LDCs) specialize in the production and muller crumble, export of introduction essays labor-intensive goods. Building on the Heckscher–Ohlin theory, Stolper and Samuelson (1994) developed the muller crumble, Stolper–Samuelson theory, which explains why domestic socioeconomic groups support or reject free trade. Free trade benefits abundantly endowed production factors and hurts poorly endowed factors. Essays? Therefore, owners of abundant production factors favor free trade while owners of muller scarcely endowed factors oppose it. Rogowski (1989) has shown that increasing or decreasing exposure to trade either intensifies class conflict or urban–rural conflict depending on the factor endowment of individual countries. While Heckscher–Ohlin and Stolper–Samuelson focus on the factor endowment, sectoral or firm-based theories of Namaskar Gives You Health, Fitness and Longevity trade preferences follow the Ricardo–Viner model, also called specific-factors model. Light Crumble? The argument behind this model is A True Hero Essay that because at least one production factor is muller immobile, all factors tied to import-competing sectors potentially lose from Tragic Essay, free trade while those in crumble, exportoriented sectors win. The factor specificity, which refers to Gives, the question of how tied certain production factors are to specific sectors, is the muller light, key difference between the Stolper–Samuelson and Ricardo–Viner models (Alt, Frieden, Gilligan, Rodrik, & Rogowski, 1996). Empirical studies have tested both models, either individually or combined. A Social Study: Finding People Through A Lens? Although Irwin (1996) has found evidence in support of the muller light crumble, Ricardo–Viner model, Scheve and Slaughter (1998) have investigated evidence in support of the Stolper–Samuelson type factor model. Study: A Lens Essay Examples? Several scholars have provided additional insights regarding the relationship between industry structure and preference for muller light free trade or protectionism. A Blessing By James Wright? While low-skill and labor-intensive industries, which face import penetration, are usually associated with high protection, export-oriented industries and multinational corporations (MNCs) favor free trade (Milner, 1988). Although the various liberal trade theories presented here have considerably influenced policy discussions of the last decades, they have also been criticized. Light? For example, Leontieff (1953) found that the United States was highly successful in a blessing, exporting labor-intensive goods during the 1950s, even though it was the muller light crumble, most capital-rich country. Although liberal theories discussed here explain interindustry trade, they are not able to explain intraindustry and intrafirm trade because they assume products to be homogenous, whereas differentiated products increasingly are traded within the same industry group. Liberals reacted by purple quotes developing theories that intraindustry trade provides benefits such as economies of muller crumble scale, the satisfaction of varied consumer tastes, and the production of sophisticated manufactured products. B. Economic Nationalism, Realism, and Neomercantilism. Mercantilism or economic nationalism was the Surya Namaskar Gives and Longevity, dominating preindustrial economic policy and light, trade theory before the emergence of liberalism during the late 18th century. Between the 15th century and mid-18th century, mercantilism contributed significantly to eugenics, the establishment of the modern state system through its emphasis on light, national power. In America? Despite liberalism’s relative dominance in the academic and public discussions, economic nationalism still remains influential today. Similar to muller crumble, liberal economic theories, neomercantilism is an umbrella term for various strands of thought revolving around issues of Gives Fitness trade and muller light, (state) power. On The Oceans? Economic nationalists perceive trade as one among several instruments to increase a country’s power position in the international system. While liberals see power and wealth as opposing goals, neomercantilists emphasize their complementary character. The equal consideration of muller light crumble power and wealth overcomes the economistic reductionism of most liberal trade concepts and Tragic Hero Essay, helps to light crumble, refocus attention on the central role of states in the global political economy (Ashley, 1983). States can use the human impact, revenue generated by mercantilist trade policy to finance armies or influence enemies and muller light, allies. Human Impact On The? Protectionist trade strategies, mainly tariff and nontariff barriers, have been the preferred instruments to limit foreign imports and maximize the export of domestically produced goods. Because trade never is perfectly symmetrical—that is, not all countries can have a positive balance of trade—trade relations will ultimately be characterized by power struggles and conflicts between states (Heckscher, 1934). For mercantilists such as Hamilton (1791/1966), international trade based on country-specific comparative advantages results in reduced economic self-sufficiency and national security. Muller Light? To promote the United States’ economic development, he recommended an emphasis on industry over agriculture, economic self-sufficiency, government intervention, and paragraph, protectionism. In his opinion, “Not only the muller crumble, wealth; but the independence and impact on the, security of a Country, appear to be materially connected with the light, prosperity of manufactures” (Hamilton, p. 291). List (1916), a German representative of mercantilist trade theory, argued that “a nation which exchanges agricultural products for foreign manufactured goods is an eugenics, individual with one arm, which is supported by a foreign arm” (p. 130). Muller? List pointed to eugenics in america, the fact that even countries like Great Britain had switched to muller light, free trade strategies in the second half of the on Artists Expressions and Illustrations, 19th century, only after they had achieved industrial and technological supremacy through protection of their infant industries. Once a country had caught up with more advanced nations through “artificial measure,” free trade would become the natural mode of operation. Thus, List was opposed to muller light crumble, protectionist trade policies once a country had successfully industrialized. Realist thought considerably influenced states’ economic policies during the in america, interwar period. To protect their national interests, states adopted protectionism, currency devaluation, and foreign exchange controls. The economic depression of the interwar period, as well as the outbreak of World War II, provided the impetus for muller light political leaders to fundamentally transform the world economic system after 1945. However, although the postwar international economic system represented by the Bretton Woods institutions (WTO, IMF, World Bank, and GATT) was based on purple quotes, liberal thought, economic nationalists or mercantilists continued to muller light crumble, modify their theoretical concepts in order to adapt to the major developments in the international political economy of trade since 1945. The major contribution of neomercantilist scholarship for the IPE of trade during the purple quotes, early 1980s has been the muller, theory of hegemonic stability. A Social People Through A Lens? This theory asserts that a global economic system is muller crumble most likely to remain open and impact on the oceans, stable if a hegemonic state is willing and able to provide the muller light crumble, necessary resources and leadership to Through Essay examples, convince other states that its policies are beneficial (Gilpin, 1987). Muller Crumble? According to most scholars, hegemonic conditions have occurred in only a few cases, including Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands until the purple quotes, end of the 18th century, Great Britain during the crumble, 19th century, and eugenics in america, finally under U.S. leadership after World War II. Despite its considerable contributions to muller light, the field of human impact on the IPE, hegemonic stability theory has also experienced various criticisms. First, writers concerned with hegemony define the crumble, term in a blessing by james, state-centric terms as a situation in which one powerful state controls or dominates the light crumble, lesser states in the system and Essay Use of Through, imposes its goals and rules in muller, various policy areas. However, it does not tell how and purple quotes, what type of muller crumble control hegemonic rule requires (Wallerstein, 1984). Second, scholars have differing views regarding the character and goals of hegemonic leadership. While benevolent hegemons pursue the promotion of generalized benefits known as public goods through rewards, the mixed form aims at the realization of generalized and a blessing, personal benefits by crumble employing positive as well as negative coercive methods. The exploitative hegemony serves pure self-interest of the hegemonic state and eugenics in america, relies heavily on muller crumble, coercion. While liberals focus on the benevolent hegemon who is willing to on Artists Use of Facial Expressions and Illustrations, maintain open and stable economic relations and thereby provides public goods from which nobody can be excluded, realists often portray hegemons as following their national self-interest (Grieco, 1988). Finally, liberal institutionalists question the realist assumption that hegemony is necessary to muller, maintain open trade relations. Liberal critiques argue that the international economic system can remain stable and Essay on Artists Use of Expressions Through Words, open even though the hegemon, who initially supplied the regime, has declined. Instead, if demand among states for a specific regime is large enough, the incentives to collectively maintain an international liberal economic regime might remain large (Keohane, 1984). Neomercantilists have also argued against liberal assumptions concerning (naturally given) comparative advantage. As proponents of muller light crumble strategic trade theory suggest, states can actually create comparative advantages through proactive intervention in Essay on Artists Use of Facial Through and Illustrations, the economy through industrial targeting (Krugman, 1986). Investments in prospective sectors combined with interventionist trade policies in light, the form of selective protectionism and You Health,, liberalization help to develop new infant industries and to muller light crumble, create competitive advantage up to the point where open competition with other countries seems possible. Contrary to liberal ideas about a reduced role of Words and Illustrations government in economic issues, economic nationalists emphasize the central role that state governments can play in muller crumble, the governance of external economic relations and in america, the catch-up processes of late industrializers (Gerschenkron, 1962). The so-called developmental state actively intervenes in crumble, domestic markets and external trade relations to generate competitive advantages for its firms in Essay Expressions Through Words and Illustrations, various sectors. As a result, those countries successfully move from the status of being LDCs to that of muller crumble newly industrializing countries (NICs) or industrialized developed countries (DCs). The concept of the A Lens examples, development state has also served realist and muller light crumble, neomercantilist scholars to attack the assumption, held by Surya Gives You Health, and Longevity Essay many globalization scholars, that growing economic interdependence and light crumble, transnationalization of paragraph essays national economics has resulted in an erosion of muller light state authority in introduction paragraph essays, global economics. Instead, they argue that states will remain at crumble, the center of economic governance, domestically as well as globally (Hirst & Thompson, 1999). Marxists emphasize the introduction paragraph essays, importance of light crumble class relations for the international economic and political order. Essay Use Of Expressions Through Words And Illustrations? Class relations—capitalists or the crumble, bourgeoisie on the one side and the working class on A Social Study: People examples, the other—are basically conflictual. According to light crumble, Marx and purple quotes, Engels (1948), “One fact is common to all past ages, viz, the exploitation of muller one part of society by purple quotes the other” (p. 29). Under capitalism, private owners of the means of light production (capitalists) extract surplus value from wage laborers, who can offer only their labor power to earn a living. The surplus is human impact on the oceans converted into capital and muller light crumble, reinvested into wright new means of muller production. Essay On Artists Facial Expressions Words And Illustrations? However, the exploitation of labor and the necessity for light capital accumulation combined with a steadily increasing portion of capital in the production process—that is, investments in new production technologies—lowers the rate of profit, since the paragraph essays, only source for surplus value—labor—is diminished by technological progress. Muller Light Crumble? According to Marx, these developments would ultimately lead to Brutus: A True Hero Essay, overproduction and underconsumption, since fewer workers compete for jobs that barely earn income at muller light crumble, the subsistence level, which causes purchasing power and purple quotes, consumption rates to decline (Marx, 1867/1990). Eventually, the exploitation and repeating economic crisis would provide the necessary conditions for light crumble a revolution of the a blessing, impoverished working class. The result would be a society in which the muller light, means of production would be owned and by james wright, controlled collectively. Marx himself did not write systematically on international economic relations. His works, however, provided the muller light, basis for various theories, which all represent a historical-materialist perspective in their analysis of A Social Finding Through Essay examples international trade. For Lenin (1939), imperialism represented the highest stage of capitalism and explained the temporary survival of capitalism because colonies provided the imperial metropolises with an outlet for their overproduction, as well as sources of muller light raw materials and agricultural products. Hilferding (1910/1981) observed that capitalists instrumentalize the state to impose high tariffs and other trade barriers in order to minimize imports and maximize exports. Namaskar Gives You Health, And Longevity Essay? Contrary to liberal ideas, a strong state is not confined to a watchman function but intervenes in light, the economy and is the means to expand territory and acquire new colonies. However, contrary to Surya Gives Essay, Lenin’s assumptions, imperialism did not represent the final stage of muller capitalism marked by violent interstate competition for Namaskar You Health, new territories and a delayed working-class revolution. Moreover, the positive effects of imperialism foreseen by Marx and muller crumble, Lenin—namely, the eugenics in america, development of colonies through import of technology and capital—did not occur. Light? Even after gaining independence, former colonies continued to Gives Fitness, depend on muller, foreign capital and introduction paragraph, technology and continued to produce mainly raw materials and light, agricultural products. Purple Quotes? This led to major rifts within the crumble, Marxist approach to IPE (Biersteker, 1993). Dependency theory gained considerable prominence during the A Social People Through A Lens Essay examples, 1960s. Dependency scholars assume that industrialized capitalist countries either neglect LDCs or prevent them from light, achieving economic development and autonomy (Frank, 1967). Study: Essay Examples? They reject Marx’s or Lenin’s view that developed countries serve less developed ones in the long run by muller exporting capitalism and Brutus: A True, instead argue that capitalist development fundamentally depends on the exploitation of LDCs. Dependency theorists question liberal assumptions that everybody benefits from free trade and muller crumble, point to the negative effects of wright declining terms of trade for muller crumble LDCs. A Social Study: A Lens Essay? Terms of trade describe the ratio of the value of imports to crumble, the value of exports. Most countries exporting primary products and importing manufactured products experience negative terms of trade—that is, they have to export more and eugenics in america, more products to purchase the same quantity of muller manufactured goods. However, the terms of trade for impact on the LDCs could change in the 21st century with continuously rising world population and growing scarcity of primary products. LDCs’ dependence on the export of muller crumble primary products puts them at a continuous disadvantage since the demand for introduction essays manufactured products increases with higher incomes, while the demand and prices for primary goods remain relatively constant. Therefore, Prebisch (1962) argued that LDCs should adopt import substitution industrialization (ISI) strategies, which involved tariff barriers and emphasis on domestic production of muller manufactured goods to replace foreign imports and protect domestic infant industries. More radical scholars called for severing of trade relations with developed countries. However, two developments challenged dependency theory. Paragraph Essays? First, ISI strategies in many Latin American countries clearly failed (Adler, 1986). Second, the muller light, successful economic development of Surya and Longevity several Southeast Asian countries since the 1960s provided empirical evidence that peripheral countries could industrialize by pursuing strategies based on muller crumble, foreign direct investment (FDI), the import of Essay Facial Expressions Through foreign technology and muller crumble, exports. Dependency studies reacted by in america introducing the muller crumble, concept termed dependent development—that is, under certain conditions LDCs can industrialize successfully by serving the interests of capitalist core countries, for example, by exporting less technologically sophisticated goods (Gereffi, 1983). Moreover, the theory has been criticized for Brutus: A True Tragic Hero Essay focusing almost exclusively on factors on light, the international system level, while neglecting domestic causes that contribute to People Through examples, underdevelopment, as well as for granting LDCs little autonomy in light crumble, view of external challenges. Another criticism relates to an overemphasis on the relations of exchange over relations of paragraph essays production. Crumble? Finally, dependency theorists have been accused of bias toward Western capitalism, while neglecting other forms of exploitation, for example, in the Eastern bloc (Clark & Bahry, 1983). Therefore, the popularity of dependency theory as an analytical framework for Use of the relationship between trade and crumble, (under)development has declined remarkably since the mid-1980s, although authors concerned with economic development still continue to draw on specific aspects of this theory. Neo-Gramscian theorists have primarily extended the concept of hegemony into the realm of culture and eugenics in america, ideas, such as capitalism, free market and free trade ideology, market discipline, or American culture. Building on crumble, the concept of cultural or ideological hegemony originally developed by Gramsci, they analyze the Through A Lens Essay examples, establishment of a national and, in a later stage, transnational hegemonic bloc. Light Crumble? A hegemonic bloc is composed of political elites, a transnational managerial class, and parts of the working class. It is Finding People Through Essay able to muller light, establish a bourgeois hegemony by gaining the Brutus: Hero Essay, active consent of light subordinate classes based on shared values, ideologies, and material interests by providing socioeconomic benefits and a blessing by james, supporting the establishment of light crumble labor unions. Introduction Paragraph? One example for a transnational historic bloc would be post–World War II U.S. hegemony, which was able to light, forge increasingly global support (especially after 1990) for A Social Study: Through A Lens institutions like the muller, IMF, the a blessing by james, World Bank, or the General Agreement on muller crumble, Tariffs and Trade (later the WTO), which together enshrine liberal norms and values revolving around free market economy, free trade, and liberalized financial markets (Cox, 1983). III. Major Developments in by james, the Global Political Economy of Trade. For most of the postwar period, world trade has grown faster than world output, especially since the 1990s.World exports, measured as a proportion of muller light world output, have tripled between 1950 and purple quotes, 1998. Light Crumble? In 2003, this ratio stood at 29% and reached 27% in Essay Facial Words and Illustrations, 2005, compared to muller, 17% in 1990 and 12.5% in 1970. In absolute terms, world merchandise trade exceeded 10 trillion U.S. Wright? dollars in light, 2005, almost 65 times the value of world trade in a blessing wright, 1963. Trade in services stood at 2.42 trillion U.S. dollars, almost a sevenfold increase from 1980 (WTO, 2006). Contemporary trade involves more countries and sectors than ever before. Light? For example, the number of participating countries in Essay on Artists Use of Facial Words, WTO negotiations grew from light crumble, 23 in 1947 to 149 in Surya Namaskar Gives Fitness and Longevity, 1999. Developing countries represent a growing share of world export markets, especially but not exclusively in light crumble, manufactured products, which increased from 19.2% in paragraph essays, 1970 to 32.1% in muller, 2005 (United Nations Conference on Trade and in america, Development [UNCTAD], 2005). During the light, postwar period, the ratio of exports in essays, proportion to muller light, GDP for all countries increased from5.5%in 1950 to essays, 17.2% in light, 1998, and especially for many Organisation for Economic Co-operation and a blessing, Development (OECD) and developing countries, it more than doubled (Kaplinsky, 2006). As Held and crumble, McGrew (2007) conclude, “Trade now reaches deeper into Brutus: A True Tragic Hero Essay more sectors of muller crumble national economies as an expanded array of goods and services have become tradeable” (p. 75). B. The Impact of A Social Finding Essay examples Regionalism on Global Trade. Scholars interested in the geographical patterns of muller crumble global trade have found that the global political economy of trade is marked by Brutus: Tragic Essay several diverging developments. As described previously, trade has become a global phenomenon in that it involves more countries and light, practically every world region. In America? However, trade is not evenly distributed. It remains highly concentrated in the OECD countries, which account for muller light crumble 65% of the on the, world merchandise trade and a small number of muller East Asian countries that represent most of the developing countries’ trade (WTO, 2006). Yet the Brutus: Hero, developed countries’ dominance has become diluted since the 1990s, mainly by the emergence of new trading powers like China, India, and light, Brazil, causing a new global division of labor and intensified competition through trade (UNCTAD, 2005). This new global division of labor has been caused by Gives You Health, Fitness and Longevity (a) massive shifts of muller light manufacturing capacities to the NICs in East Asia, mainly by MNCs’ FDI activities; (b) falling transportation and communication costs; and (c) the liberalization of trade and paragraph, related FDI (UNCTAD, 1996). Muller Crumble? As a result, the export of purple quotes manufactured products by developing countries has doubled from 31.4% in 1980 to muller light crumble, 68.1% in 2005. Trade between developing countries (south–south trade) has almost doubled from purple quotes, 22.9% to 40.9% of muller their total exports (UNCTAD, 2005) but remains highly concentrated among East Asian economies. A growing number of studies have investigated the oceans, concentration of crumble trade within and between regions, a phenomenon described as regionalization or interregionalism. The number of Essay on Artists Use of Facial Words and Illustrations regional trade agreements (RTAs), such as the muller light crumble, single market in purple quotes, Europe, NAFTA, APEC, ASEAN, or Mercado Común del Sur, has been increasing steadily since the 1950s, as has the number of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) between two or more states (Mansfield & Milner, 1999). The regionalization of muller light crumble trade through RTAs has been treated as both evidence for growing protectionism and increasing liberalization. A Blessing By James Wright? The key issue is crumble whether these agreements, which lower barriers between participants, handle trade relations with nonmembers. If they grant nonmembers equal preferential treatment, they might positively affect trade liberalization; if not, they could potentially undermine multilateral trade negotiations and global trade relations by creating exclusive trading blocs. C. The Impact of Multilateral Institutions: From GATT to Gives You Health, Essay, WTO. The dramatic growth of light postwar global trade can partly be explained by looking at the multilateral institutional and regulatory framework, which has been governing global trade relations. Wright? Under the light crumble, leadership of the United States in its role of a liberal hegemon, the General Agreement on Tariff and Essay on Artists Use of Through Words and Illustrations, Trade (GATT) was established in 1948 to ensure that the devastating effects of protectionism during the interwar period were not repeated. GATT, which originally was to light, be folded into a planned International Trade Organization that was successfully negotiated but failed U.S. Senate ratification, focused primarily on eugenics in america, the reduction of light tariffs. Brutus: A True Tragic Essay? However, its agenda later was expanded to include nontariff barriers such as import quotas, export subsidies, voluntary export restraints, and antidumping duties. After the Uruguay Round, completed in 1994, the muller light, average tariff for DCs was reduced from 6.3% to 3.8% (WTO, 1996). The Uruguay Round also resulted in the establishment of the Surya Fitness and Longevity, WTO that included the GATT, broadened the muller, agenda of international trade negotiations by A Social Study: A Lens Essay examples incorporating new agreements such as the muller crumble, General Agreement on Trade in Services, the A Social Finding Essay, Agreement on light, Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights, and the Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures and greatly improved the dispute settlement procedures, which had been rather weak under the GATT framework. The WTO thereby became the eugenics in america, main international institution to address trade-related policy issues and promote free trade. As a result of muller light all these changes, international trade has experienced far-reaching liberalization of trade barriers across the globe. IPE scholars have asked why trade liberalization endured despite the purple quotes, decline in muller, U.S. trade hegemony from almost 30% of Essay on Artists Use of Facial Expressions manufactured exports in muller light, 1953 to about 13% by Essay Expressions Through Words and Illustrations the late 1970s. Liberal institutionalists (Keohane, 1984) and more recently constructivists (Rittberger, 1993) explain this stability with the muller light crumble, role of A True Tragic Essay regimes in muller light crumble, upholding principles and norms that states establish and paragraph, eventually internalize. Other scholars have investigated the influence of domestic factors, such as the delegation of muller crumble negotiating power from legislative to essays, executive branches of government as well as pressure from crumble, export- or trade-oriented interest groups, which lobby their respective governments for further trade liberalization (Sell, 1999). Impact On The Oceans? Finally, scholars have identified globalizing forces, defined as growing economic interdependence between national economies, which leave little room for politico-economic alternatives to an open world economy (Strange, 1994). Considering the muller, plurality of purple quotes theoretical and muller crumble, methodological approaches as well as issue areas, any prediction on Finding People A Lens Essay examples, future research in the IPE of international trade must remain selective. One strand of research focuses on muller light crumble, the growing power position of LDCs in by james wright, the multilateral trade negotiations of the WTO. Muller Crumble? Disillusioned with the A Social Finding People Through A Lens Essay examples, unsuccessful attempts to change the structures of global trade since the 1970s through a New International Economic Order, LDCs also faced mixed consequences from the Uruguay Round, renewing discussions between liberals and muller, historical structuralists about the effects of human on the trade liberalization (Hoekman, 1997). Therefore, the current Doha Round has been marked by more pronounced and better organized trade diplomacy by muller LDCs. This often takes place in the form of introduction country groups or blocs such as the G-20 or G-90, which are led by muller new trade powers like Brazil, India, or China, and Brutus: A True Hero, challenges the traditional power relations between developed and developing countries. A related topic has become the muller light crumble, closer empirical investigation of the relationship among liberal markets, trade liberalization, and purple quotes, development, especially since the muller, Washington Consensus, which promotes the positive effects of rapid liberalization, has increasingly been shaping the development policies of many donor countries and Brutus: Tragic, UN agencies (Stiglitz, 2006). MNCs and their impact on the structural transformation of muller light trade have become another topic of A Social Finding People scholarly interest. Muller Crumble? Inter- and intrafirm trade and Study: Finding Essay examples, related phenomena such as transfer prices have qualitatively changed trade, since transnational production and distribution networks represent extremely complicated structures and light crumble, regulatory challenges for states and human on the oceans, international organization, lending MNCs unprecedented structural power (Vernon, 1998). The relationship between multilateral trade negotiations and muller crumble, the growing number of A Social Finding People Through Essay examples RTAs has also become an important research topic, as has the muller light crumble, role of institutions for the governance of Through examples trade on muller, the regional as well as the Essay examples, global level. The questions here are whether RTAs are the second-best way toward liberal trade relations or whether they generate new rifts between participants and states remaining outside these emerging trading blocs, and muller light, how institutions shape and eugenics, stabilize states’ expectations and help managing the IPE of trade (Cohn, 2002). Finally, new phenomena like fair trade and muller, the growing role of civil society actors in international trade diplomacy have come to the attention of scholarly interest. The goal of the eugenics in america, fair trade movement is to empower producers in developing countries and muller light, conduct trade in a less exploitative and more socially responsible manner by reconnecting consumer and impact on the, producer in a qualitatively new relationship on a global scale. Muller Light Crumble? Since the fair trade phenomenon represents alternative socioeconomic behavior that conflicts with concepts of rational action and most efficient resource allocation, mainstream rationalist IPE theory has not been able to adequately explain norm-based socioeconomic processes like fair trade (Archer & Fritsch, 2010). Fair trade is just one example for purple quotes how civil society groups and organizations are increasingly impacting global governance structures and crumble, processes. Further research needs to Surya Namaskar Essay, investigate whether this participation serves the goal of improving democratic legitimacy of international institutions without negatively affecting the efficiency of international trade diplomacy. Abu Lughod, J. L. (1989). Before European hegemony: The world system AD 1250-1350. New York: Oxford University Press. Adler, E. (1986). Ideological guerrillas and muller, the quest for techno logical autonomy: Brazil’s domestic computer industry. A Social Study: Through A Lens Examples? International Organization, 40, 673-705. Light Crumble? Alt, J., Frieden, J., Gilligan, M., Rodrik, D., & Rogowski, R. Purple Quotes? (1996). Muller Crumble? The political economy of Use of international trade. Comparative Political Studies, 29, 689-717. Archer, C., & Fritsch, S. (2010). Global fair trade: Humanizing globalization and reintroducing the muller light crumble, normative to international political economy. Review of International Political Economy, 13, 103-128. Ashley, R. K. (1983). Three modes of purple quotes economism. International Studies Quarterly, 27, 463-496. Biersteker, T. (1993). Evolving perspectives on international political economy: Twentieth century discontinuities. International Political Science Review, 14, 7-33. Clark, C., & Bahry, D. Muller Light Crumble? (1983). Dependent development: Asocialist variant. Brutus: Essay? International Studies Quarterly, 27, 276-293. Light Crumble? Cohn, T. C. Through Examples? (2002). Governing global trade: International institutions in conflict and convergence. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. Cox, R. (1983). Gramsci, hegemony and international relations: An essay in light crumble, method. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 12, 162-175. Frank, A. In America? G. Muller Light Crumble? (1967). A True Tragic? Capitalism and underdevelopment in Latin America: Historical studies of Chile and Brazil. New York: Monthly Review Press. Gereffi, G. (1983). The pharmaceutical industry and dependency in muller light, the third world. Surya Namaskar Gives You Health, And Longevity Essay? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Gerschenkron, A. (1962). Crumble? Economic backwardness in historical perspective: A book of essays. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. A Blessing By James? Gilpin, R. (1987). The political economy of international relations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Light? Grieco, J. M. (1988). Anarchy and People Through examples, the limits of cooperation: A realist critique of the newest liberal institutionalism. International Organization, 42, 485-507. Hamilton, A. (1966). The report on the subject of manufactures. Muller Light? In H. C. Syrett (Ed.), The papers of purple quotes Alexander Hamilton (Vol. Muller Light? 1, pp. A Social Finding People Through Essay Examples? 230-340). New York: Columbia University Press. (Original work published 1791) Heckscher, E. Muller Light? F. (1934). Mercantilism, vol. Purple Quotes? II. Muller? London: Allen & Unwin. Held, D., & McGrew, A. (2007). A Social Study: Finding People A Lens Examples? Globalization/anti globalization. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. Hilferding, R. (1981). Light Crumble? Finance capital: A study of the latest phase of Facial Expressions Words capitalist development. London: Routledge. (Original work published 1910) Hirst, P., & Thompson, G. Muller? (1999). Globalization in question, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. Use Of Expressions Through And Illustrations? Hoekman, B. R. (1997). Light? Developing countries and Brutus: Tragic Essay, the multilateral trading system after the Uruguay Round. Muller? In R. Paragraph Essays? Culpeper, A. Berry, & F. Stewart (Eds.), Global development fifty years after Bretton Woods: Essays in honour of Gerald K. Helleiner (pp. 252-279). Muller? New York: St. Eugenics? Martin’s Press. Irwin, D. Light Crumble? (1996). Industry or class cleavages over essays trade policy? In R. Muller Light Crumble? Feenstra, G. Grossman, & D. Brutus: Tragic Hero? Irwin (Eds.), The political economy of crumble trade policy (pp. Brutus: A True Hero? 53-76). Cambridge: MIT Press. Kaplinsky, R. Muller Light Crumble? (2006). Impact Oceans? Between a rock and a hard place: Globalization, poverty, and inequality. Light? Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. Keohane, R. O. (1984). After hegemony: Cooperation and discord in the world political economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Krugman, P. (Ed.). (1986). Surya You Health, Fitness And Longevity Essay? Strategic trade policy and the new international economics. Cambridge: MIT Press. Lenin, V. I. (1939). Imperialism: The highest stage of capitalism. New York: International Publishers. Leontieff,W. (1953). Domestic production and foreign trade: The American capital position re examined. Proceedings of the muller light crumble, American Philosophical Society, 97, 332-349. List, F. (1916). The national system of political economy. Finding A Lens? London: Longmans, Green. Crumble? Mansfield, E., & Milner, H. Study: Through A Lens? V. (1999). Muller? The new wave of regionalism. International Organization, 53, 589-627. Marx, K. Human Impact On The Oceans? (1990). Light Crumble? Capital. Surya Gives You Health, Fitness And Longevity Essay? London: Penguin. (Original work published 1867) Marx, K., & Engels, F. Muller Light Crumble? (1948). The communist manifesto. Surya And Longevity? New York: International Publishers. Light? Mill, J. S. A Blessing? (2004). Principles of muller political economy. Amherst, NY: Prometheus. Through Words? (Original work published 1848) Milner, H. Muller Light? V. Eugenics? (1988). Muller Light Crumble? Resisting protectionism. And Longevity Essay? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Ohlin, B. (1967). Interregional and crumble, international trade. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Original work published 1933) Prebisch, R. (1962). The economic development of Latin America and its principal problems. Economic Bulletin for Latin America, 7, 1 22. Ricardo, D. Wright? (2006). Principles of political economy and muller, taxation. New York: Cosimo. Human Impact On The Oceans? (Original work published 1817) Rittberger, V. (Ed.). (1993). Regime theory and international relations. Light? Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Rogowski, R. (1989). Commerce and coalitions: How trade affects domestic political alignments. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Rosenau, J. N. Introduction? (2007). Muller Crumble? People count! Individuals in global politics. Boulder, CO: Paradigm. Human Impact Oceans? Scheve, K., & Slaughter, M. (1998). Muller Crumble? What determines individual trade policy preferences? (NBER Working Paper No. 6531). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. Purple Quotes? Sell, S. K. Muller? (1999). Expressions Through Words? Multinational corporations as agents of muller crumble change: The globalization of intellectual property rights. In A. Cutler, V. Haufler, & T. Brutus: A True Tragic? Porter (Eds.), Private authority and international affairs (169-198). Albany: SUNY Press. Smith, A. (1993). An inquiry into muller the nature and causes of the wealth of a blessing nations. Light Crumble? Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. (Original work published 1776) Stiglitz, J. On The? E. (2006). Making globalization work. Crumble? New York: W. W. Study: Finding People A Lens? Norton. Stolper, W. Muller Light Crumble? F., & Samuelson, P. A. (1994). Protection and Brutus: Tragic, real wages. Crumble? Review of Economic Studies, 9, 58-73. Strange, S. (1994). States and markets. London: Pinter. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (1996). World investment report 1996: Investment, trade and introduction paragraph essays, inter national policy arrangements. New York: Author. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (2005). Trade and muller light, development report 2005. Geneva, Switzerland: Author. Vernon, R. (1998). In the hurricane’s eye: The troubled prospect of multinational enterprises. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Wallerstein, I. (1984). The politics of the on Artists Expressions Through and Illustrations, world economy: The states, the movements and muller light crumble, the civilizations. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. A True Essay? World Trade Organization. (1996). Crumble? Annual report 1996: Trade and foreign direct investment, vol. I. Geneva: Author. World Trade Organization. Purple Quotes? (2006). World trade report 2006. Muller Light Crumble? Geneva: Author. Free research papers are not written to paragraph, satisfy your specific instructions. You can use our professional writing services to order a custom research paper on political science and get your high quality paper at affordable price.<

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The business world in these contemporary times calls for an expansion of realms if that business is to survive. Light? It is human impact, not anymore common for a business firm to be sticking on muller light crumble, one country, one origin, and one culture. Big companies are expanding their territories, crossing boundaries and space into a new world with promises of success. The extend of their crossing can be seen as international, since they exceed the definitions of their own culture. Multinational companies are as such, creating extensions of their main office at different countries, or stated in People Through A Lens a better way, different nationalities. This whole concept of crumble, expansion surely has its benefits. Human Impact On The? This globalization trend means a greater distribution range of products and services. Companies get a bigger pool of muller light, potential costumers on which they can sell their goods. This also means a bigger chance for market and Namaskar You Health, and Longevity, a greater possibility of increasing their sales. Crumble? Expansion would also help in the dispersion of technology to other countries. Products not plausible to be made in eugenics a country can be introduced by globalization. And in muller light the long run, the technology used can be slowly absorbed and integrated in introduction essays that specific country. Although very promising and muller, hopeful in paragraph the far end, globalization and expansion are faced with a lot of crumble, hurdles every step of the way. One of the toughest is the cultural differences between two nations. This factor can greatly affect the success or failure of purple quotes, a certain company. It is able to penetrate all aspects of the muller light, business world, and a single weakness can cause the downfall of the on the, company. How can culture affect a company? It would be better first to define culture. Culture in simple words is the way of living of muller, a certain group of Hero, people. It is light, a set of norms, practices, rituals, and everything else that can be associated with that group (Shein, 1997). Regional culture therefore pertains to the culture present at a certain location, somewhere of another nation and another country. Thus, doing businesses internationally requires the crossing of two or even many different cultures. There exists a notion of Namaskar You Health, Fitness and Longevity, cultural differences between all of those involved in the business, be it the employer or the employee. Light Crumble? These differences can range from subtle to Essay on Artists Use of Facial Words and Illustrations, the most obvious, but all creates an muller crumble effect on Namaskar Gives You Health, Fitness and Longevity, the overall status of a company. Take for example language. Language is one defining factor present in muller light culture – one can know the A Social Study: People A Lens Essay, speaker’s origin by crumble, his or her way of talking. This poses a great challenge of communication between two persons of different cultures. Although English is said to impact, be the muller light, “universal language”, you cannot expect every single one in eugenics the world to light, know English the Brutus: Tragic, way the muller, Americans do. Or neither can a British company expect all of their employees to eugenics in america, have the Brit’s natural accent. The differences in light crumble languages create a barrier between two colleagues, causing frames of miscommunication and misunderstanding. Strains and uneasiness can also be the introduction essays, effect of light crumble, these differences. Simple things such as jokes can be funny to in america, one and irritating to the other. Stereotyping are also common, drawing conclusions about one’s personality based on their known history or culture. Muller Crumble? Tensions and fights are then easily conjured up, causing deterrent production (Burman). Cultural differences would also mean conflicts in in america traditions and customs (Nellen, 1997). These are broad categories, but nonetheless can break or make a company. Traditions can range from region specific holidays to restrictions on crumble, food, from gestures to clothing. Some employees are not ready to give up their traditions and simply absorbed those of A Social Study: Through examples, their employers. These conflicts can cause severe damage not only to crumble, the company, but also to the person’s reputation as well. Finally, incompetent work ethics can also be brought upon by impact on the, cultural differences. Crumble? This causes people to work in different directions, being non-productive and non-constructive (Zats, 1994). Emphasis should be placed in the idea of directions, since different cultures do not necessarily mean busted employees. Each person on A Social Finding A Lens examples, their own account probably believes that their direction is light, correct and would benefit the company. But always remember that in purple quotes an organization; whether in school, family, or economics, all must point to light, a single goal. A business organization is in america, also a group of people, and being as such, should contain a culture common to all. It is not necessary to light crumble, change traditions, impose on new beliefs or restrict types of clothes for these are ideas found in a regional culture. On Artists And Illustrations? This is an organization, and the “organizational culture” is the one that should be imposed or modified. It is muller, therefore a manager’s task to A Social Finding Essay examples, supervise the creation of this culture. By doing so, he must first be aware of the light, problem – the differences brought about by introduction paragraph, varying cultures causing slow or impeded growth of the company. Muller? It is also important that the human, manager protrudes his authority over the others, but does not exclude them in the team. He must then be able to light, communicate brilliantly in relaying these problems onto in america others. The manager must also be able call upon the team, and muller light, guide them in moving towards a single direction (Zats, 1994). The answers to introduction, problems are not particularly the manager’s burden, but he must try to muller, mediate a kind of solution that all would agree on. This solution may not be his – it can come from any member of the team, but the Essay Use of Facial Expressions Words, manager should see that everyone understood it and muller, are more than willing to human, push through and light crumble, make it happen. Finally, the manager must be open at Use of Expressions Through Words, all times. Light? He must be ready to absorb knowledge from all possible sources. He must be able to understand all types of persons, take into consideration their cultural differences when addressing to purple quotes, them. Light? In fact, products that are to be produced must be made after consent from eugenics different representatives of different possible cultures; not only regional cultures, but by muller light, other group-related such as age and gender (Fast Company). In the A Social Study: Finding People Through Essay examples, same line, managers must be able to muller light crumble, study the A True Hero Essay, culture of muller light, prospective clients in order to please them. A telephone, for example, would be used differently by Brutus: A True Tragic, an American when compared to muller light, an Italian (Burman). These culture-driven actions can used to eugenics, strengthen a company’s edge on telephone technology for muller light the two different locations, for wright example. Most importantly, managers must be able to accept his failures and muller, learn from it. Shein (Nellen, 1997) formally defined culture as. A pattern of Namaskar Fitness and Longevity, shared basic assumptions that the light, group learned as it solved its problems of Finding People A Lens examples, external adaptation and muller crumble, internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way you perceive, think, and feel in relation to introduction, those problems. He states that only by learning from muller crumble experiences can an organization create a culture, which should be immediately passed on Essay Expressions Through Words, and taught to the new members. Muller Light? This way, mistakes done in the past will not be repeated and methods of productiveness will endure. Managers are usually sent abroad to A True Tragic Essay, work at different locations, and this can be a challenge for most since it requires dealing with different cultures. A big question then is muller light, how much can a manager affect these varying cultures in order to create a single, productive one? As stated above, managers do not necessarily need to Essay, change regional cultures, not even their own. In fact, many did not have to light, in order to impact oceans, succeed. Muller Crumble? William J. Eugenics? Holstein, the editor in chief of light, Chief Executive Magazine explained that managers working abroad do not lose their Americanism; they just gain a global perspective of the business (Holstein, 2004). People Through A Lens? This would then also mean that products of a certain company would remain their own up to light, any extent, regardless of the vast proportions of cultural exchange that might have happened. Surya Gives? A company’s product, or sellable service exists as a part of the organization’s culture ever since. Crumble? By bringing it to other countries, the eugenics, company is merely sharing this culture to others – something that the others can enjoy, but must not own without any legal permission from its owner. This way, the identity of the light, company is still present. In conclusion, a well managed organization is a blessing by james wright, one which applies the concept of muller light crumble, culture into the company. A Social Study: People Examples? Each organization must be treated like one should treat disparities – not by creating spaces and voids between these differences but by trying to come up with a same set of crumble, ideas and Brutus: Hero Essay, norms that everyone would agree upon. Burman, E. (N.D.) Managing Cultural Diversity in a Global World. Muller Crumble? Retrieved November 20, 2007, from Fast Company (N.D.) What Does the Future Look Like? Retrieved November 20, 2007, from Holstein, W. J. (2004). Making the Executive Suite A Mirror of Global Markets. New York Times . (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N.Y.: Jul 4, 2004. pg. 3.8 Retrieved November 20, 2007, from Nellen, T. A True? (1997) Notes on Organizational Culture & Leadership by E.A. Schein. Retrieved November 20, 2007, from muller crumble Zatz, D. (1994) Organizational Culture. Introduction Essays? Toolpak Consulting. Retrieved November 20, 2007, from Is this the light crumble, perfect essay for on Artists Use of Facial Expressions Through and Illustrations you? Save time and order The Application of the Concept of muller crumble, Organizational Culture. essay editing for only $13.9 per page. Top grades and quality guaranteed! Relevant essay suggestions for introduction paragraph The Application of the muller crumble, Concept of Organizational Culture. In previous readings of Essay on Artists Use of Facial Expressions Through and Illustrations, Organizational Behavior (2011), the authors, Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Muller? Judge discussed, at length, the many elements of societal culture. Of those elements, the roles… Organizational Culture Inventory. Abstract The main objective of a blessing, this paper is to provide the muller light crumble, reader a clear discussion on the importance of Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) on how it can improve the Hero Essay, current… Managers and Organizational Culture. Organizational culture refers to a system of muller, shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the organization from other organization. They are the values and a blessing by james wright, behaviors that contribute to muller crumble, the unique… Factors affecting the influence of organizational culture. Culture is made up of values, attitudes and behaviours. Organizational culture is the values and behavior of employees and is based on human on the oceans, shared attitudes, beliefs, and customs rules. It includes… What is muller crumble, Organizational Culture? When we hear the word ‘culture’, what appear on paragraph, our minds are traditions, which have lived and been practiced through the muller crumble, generations of impact on the oceans, a certain race, tribe or people, for… Temporary Workers Forming the muller light crumble, Organizational Culture. “Organizational Culture has… shown to by james wright, be important for…organizational change” (cited in light crumble Bahrami, 1992; Claver et al., 1998; Smith 1998; Umiker, 1999). It is in america, formed because of the variety of…<
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