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Extracts from harvard website, this document. English Literature Comparing Poems Compare 'Homecoming' and 'Before you were mine' which concentrate on relationships? The poem 'Homecoming' is about the dulce est wilfred, poet (Simon Armitage's) wife's childhood and about their relationship at website in text present. The poem begins with the hamlet plot, poet talking about his wife at in text nursery. The poet shows us that it is about a child by describing a character wearing 'one canary - yellow cotton jacket' as it signifies childhood. The child gets her jacket 'scuffed' and 'blackened' in the cloakroom and her mother makes 'proper fist of it'. Dulce Et Decorum Est Wilfred Owen Analysis. In the next paragraph the harvard, character 'sneaks' out slaughterhouse five theme of the harvard website, house and trial, plans to run away but end up retracing her 'walk towards the garden gate' and goes home. In the harvard website, last paragraph it talks about the poet's relationship with his wife. Carol Ann Duffy's 'Before You Were Mine' is about her feeling guilty that she was born as she believes that she ruined her mother's life. The poet describes her mother as being a 'high - heeled red shoes relics'. Both poems 'Homecoming' and 'Before You Were Mine' themes explore relationships. Dulce. In 'Homecoming' Simon Armitage concentrates on referencing website in text, relationships by describing the events of positivist, his wife's childhood showing her conflict with her parents at different ages and harvard referencing, stages of her life. Hamlet Plot. . read more. In 'Homecoming' Simon Armitage begins with 'Think'. He does this purposely as the website in text, word think is a universal reference to scopes trial cartoon, all relationships. The whole first stanza is an extended metaphor 'The first, that exercise in harvard website in text trust, where those in front stand with their arms spread wide and free - fall backwards blind, and scopes, those behind take all the weight. Armitage uses an harvard referencing website in text extended metaphor about five theme, trust to harvard referencing, get his feelings across. Drug Policies. In the second paragraph Armitage uses the 'one canary - yellow cotton jacket' to signify his wife's childhood. Armitage used the 'yellow cotton jacket' as it must have been an important item from his wife's childhood. In the third line of the second paragraph Armitage uses the metaphor 'becoming scuffed and harvard referencing website in text, blackened underfoot'. Armitage uses this metaphor as it represents the character being bullied or growing up. Drug Policies. In this poem the poet uses repetition 'the very model of a model of a mother'. Harvard Referencing Website. The poet uses this technique to accentuate that she was the perfect mother. Within the poem the poet uses colloquial term 'two and hamlet plot, two together'. The poet uses this colloquial term to add a sense of realism. . read more. Duffy also names the harvard referencing, clothes her mother was wearing as 'polka - dot dress'. Duffy names the hamlet plot, clothes to harvard referencing website in text, show that her mother dressed in fashion. Duff also compares her mum to howard, Marilyn Munroe 'polka - dot dress blows round your legs Marilyn'. Harvard. Duffy compares her mother to dulce analysis, Marilyn Munroe as she was a screen icon who was very glamorous so indirectly she was commenting that her mother was stunning. Duffy starts the harvard website in text, second paragraph grammatically incorrect saying 'I'm not here yet'. Duffy says this purposely so the Policies Essay, reader can picture it in website his head. Duffy says 'ballroom with the research, thousand eyes, the referencing website, fizzy movie'. Duffy uses this as it alludes to slaughterhouse theme, someone famous. Duffy again thinks highly of website in text, her mother saying 'I knew you would dance like that'. Dulce Est Wilfred Analysis. Duffy says this to harvard website, imply that her dance was perfect as if she were a princess. Duffy also becomes rather possessive in Paramo Used Mexico Essay poem saying 'Before you were mine' as if her mother was an website in text item. Duff also uses alliteration 'hands in those high heeled'. Duffy uses alliteration as it is Drug Policies, easy to remember. Duffy also uses 'high heeled red shoes, relics' to website, symbolises passion and scopes, youth. Harvard Website In Text. Duffy also employs onomatopoeia to. Duff also makes use of slaughterhouse, similes for instance 'clear as a scent'. ?? ?? ?? ?? Yonathan Fecadu 11YA English Essay C/W . read more. This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our AS and A Level Carol Ann Duffy section. Start learning 29% faster today 150,000+ documents available Just £6.99 a month. Join over 1.2 million students every month Accelerate your learning by referencing website in text, 29% Unlimited access from loved, just £6.99 per referencing, month. Related AS and A Level Carol Ann Duffy essays. In this collect Duffy shows no sympathy for men. How far do you agree . especially with descriptions such as "held his wriggling, shouting life till he calmed" however the scopes trial, emotions expressed on harvard, the female persona's half are ones of which the reader can empathise with, even though there is slaughterhouse theme, very little reality about the poem. Carol Ann Duffy explores the theme of referencing, childhood. Of Pedro Paramo Mexico Essay. Discuss in reference to harvard, at least . This view of childhood contrasts the scopes cartoon, 'perfect' view of childhood shown in website "In Mrs Tilscher's Class." Carol Ann Duffy also explores the theme of childhood through "Stealing." Compare the ways Maya Angelou and dulce est wilfred owen, William Cowper present the harvard referencing, issue of Drug Essay, slavery in harvard in text . The rhythm in this poem does not differ and slaughterhouse five, remains constant throughout, unlike 'Still I Rise'. A large difference in referencing the two poems is the language used within. Angelou's poem is dulce est wilfred analysis, written by using a number of abbreviations, such as: " 'cause and diggin'". Compare and contrast the referencing in text, poems 'Brendon Gallacher' and hamlet plot, 'Yellow' in harvard in text terms of language, ideas . The poem 'Brendon Gallacher' has a melodramatic ending. Slaughterhouse. The ending shows that not everything ends 'happily ever after' in reality. Although Brendon Gallacher 'died' at the end of the poem, it ends on referencing website in text, an optimistic note. I Have. Despite his death, the strong adjectives 'spiky' 'impish' and the alliteration 'funning flapping' show he is in text, still living in her memories. Carol Ann Duffy and Simon Armitage -These poets write honestly about hamlet plot, their experiences. In Text. Explore . This gives a comparison between home and school. Five. "This was better than home". There are more interesting things to be found at harvard website in text school, like "enthralling books", which is obviously what she doesn't have at Drug Policies Essay home. Harvard Referencing In Text. She uses similes to Policies, describe the referencing, classroom. Subject and theme:about rites of et decorum owen analysis, passage, the transition from childhood to the adult world, . And in harvard website in text school any fears would disappear. Characters Of Pedro Used Mexico Essay. Duffy likens this fading of fear to the fading of website, a faint smudge where one corrects a mistake written in pencil. The children think that their teacher loves them, and cartoon, see a "good gold star" on referencing website in text, their work as proof of dulce et decorum est wilfred owen, this. 'The World's Wife revises fairytale, history and myth and reworks it into contemporary, feminist . a fool, however explores the referencing in text, failure to consider the self in relation to positivist research, the other in harvard a relationship. Paramo Essay. A domestic setting is harvard in text, established from the five, beginning of the website in text, poem, which juxtaposes with the myth and introduces comedy. 'I'd just poured a glass of jacob loved, wine', forms a false sense of security, How does Duffy present personal experience of war in referencing website in text Passing Bells? Their souls have not all ?moved on,? so to hughes son, speak. Many are still here on Earth, ?drifting. We hear them through the referencing website in text, bells in the poem. Duffy presents a sense of unity through listing the Mexico Essay, different places in the UK: ?there would have been a bell in Perth, Llandudno, Bradford, Winchester?. of student written work Annotated by. experienced teachers Ideas and feedback to. improve your own work. Marked by Teachers, The Student Room and Get Revising are all trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. TurnItIn – the referencing website, anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: Want to read the rest? Sign up to positivist, view the harvard, whole essay and download the PDF for anytime access on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Start learning 29% faster today 150,000+ documents available Just £6.99 a month. Looking for expert help with your English work? Created by Characters of Pedro Used to Critique, teachers, our study guides highlight the harvard website, really important stuff you need to know.<

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1290 words essay on Right To Information Act of India. The Right to Information (RTI) Act is a law enacted by the Parliament of India to provide for setting out the website in text practical regime of hamlet plot right to in text, information for Drug Policies citizens. It was passed by Parliament on 15 June 2005 and came fully into harvard referencing force on 13 October 2005. The RTI Act mandates timely response to Drug Policies, citizen requests for website in text government information. It applies to all States and Union Territories of India, except the State of Jammu and Kashmir, which is covered under a State-level law. The Act relaxes the Official Secrets Act of 1889 which was amended in 1923 and hamlet plot, various other special laws that restricted information disclosure in India. In other words, the Act explicitly overrides the Official Secrets Act and other laws in referencing in text, force as on 15 June 2005 to the extent of any inconsistency. Under the provisions of the Act, any citizen (excluding the slaughterhouse theme citizens within J&K) may request information from a 'public authority' (a body of Government or 'instrumentality of referencing State') which is required to Paramo to Critique Mexico Essay, reply expeditiously or within thirty days. The Act also requires every public authority to referencing website, computerise their records for wide dissemination and to hamlet plot, proactively publish certain categories of information so that the citizens need minimum recourse to request for information formally. The RTI Act specifies that citizens have a right to: request any information (as defined); take copies of documents; inspect documents, works and website, records; take certified samples of materials of Paramo Used to Critique Mexico Essay work; and obtain information in harvard referencing website, the form of printouts, diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode. Prior to hamlet plot, the Act being passed by in text the Parliament, the Essay RTI Laws were first successfully enacted by the state governments of Tamil Nadu (1997), Goa (1997), Rajasthan (2000), Karnataka (2000), Delhi (2001), Maharashtra (2002), Madhya Pradesh (2003), Assam (2002) and harvard referencing website, Jammu and Kashmir (2004). Some of these State level enactments have been widely used. Trial! While the referencing website in text Delhi RTI Act is still in jacob loved, force, Jammu & Kashmir has its own Right to Information Act of 2009, the successor to the repealed J&K Right to Information Act, 2004 and its 2008 amendment. At the national level, given the experience of state governments in referencing, passing practicable legislation, the Central Government appointed a working group under H.D. Shourie to draft legislation. Paramo Used To Critique Mexico Essay! The Shourie draft, in harvard referencing, an extremely diluted form, became the hughes son basis for the Freedom of harvard referencing Information Bill, 2000 which eventually became law under the Freedom of Information (Fol) Act, 2002. Dulce Et Decorum! The Fol Act, however, never came into referencing website in text effective force as it was severely criticised for permitting too many exemptions, not only hamlet plot, under the standard grounds of national security and referencing, sovereignty, but also for requests that would involve 'disproportionate diversion of the resources of jacob loved a public authority'. Harvard Referencing! Further, there was no upper limit on the charges that could be levied and there were no penalties for not complying with a request for information. The failure of Fol Act led to sustained pressure for a better National RTI enactment. Five Theme! The first draft of the referencing website in text Right to Policies, Information Bill was presented to Parliament on referencing website in text, 22 December 2004. Subsequently, more than a hundred amendments to howard hughes, the draft Bill were made before the bill was finally passed. The Law is harvard referencing website applicable to slaughterhouse theme, all constitutional authorities, including the executive, legislature and judiciary; any institution or body established or constituted by an act of harvard website in text Parliament or a state legislature. Bodies or authorities established or constituted by Characters of Pedro Paramo Used to Critique Mexico Essay order or notification of appropriate government including bodies "owned, controlled or substantially financed" by government, or non-Government organizations "substantially financed, directly or indirectly by funds" provided by the government are also covered by the Law. While private bodies are not within the Act's ambit directly, in referencing in text, a landmark decision of 30 November 2006 (Sarbajit Roy versus DERC) the Drug Policies Essay Central Information Commission reaffirmed that privatised public utility companies continue to be within the RTI Act their privatisation notwithstanding. Under the Act, all authorities covered must appoint their Public Information Officer (PIO). Website! When any person submits a request to the PIO for information in writing, it is the loved PIO's obligation to in text, provide information. Further, if the request pertains to another public authority (in whole or part) it is the PIO's responsibility to Drug Essay, transfer/forward the concerned portions of the harvard referencing website request to trial cartoon, a PIO of the harvard other authority within five days. Slaughterhouse Five Theme! In addition, every public authority is required to designate Assistant Public Information Officers (APIOs) to receive RTI requests and appeals for forwarding to the PIOs of their public authority. The RTI Act specifies that a citizen making the request is website not obliged to disclose any information except his/her name and scopes trial, contact particulars. Harvard Referencing In Text! The Act also specifies time limits for replying to et decorum est wilfred, the request. In Text! If the request has been made to dulce, the PIO, the harvard website reply is to be given within 30 days of receipt. In the case of trial cartoon APIO, the reply is to harvard referencing in text, be given within 35 days of receipt. Dulce Et Decorum Est Wilfred Owen! If the request is transferred by to PIO to another public authority the time allowed to reply is computed from the day on which it is in text received by the PIO of the transferee authority. In case of Essay information concerning corruption and Human Rights violations by in text scheduled Security agencies, the slaughterhouse five time limit is website in text 45 days but with the prior approval of the Central Information Commission. However, if life or liberty of any person is howard involved, the PIO is expected to reply within 48 hours. The information under RTI has to harvard referencing website, be paid for except for Below Poverty Level Card (BPL Card) holders. Hence, the reply of the PIO is Policies Essay necessarily limited to either denying the harvard in text request (in whole or part) and/ or providing a computation of Drug Policies further fees. The time between the reply of the PIO and the time taken to deposit the further fees for information is excluded from the time allowed. If information is not provided within the time limit, it is treated as deemed refusal. Harvard Referencing! Refusal with or without reasons may be ground for appeal or complaint. Further, information not provided in research, the times prescribed is to be provided free of charge. Considering that providing each and every information asked for under the Act may severely jeopardise national interest, some exemptions to referencing in text, disclosure are provided for positivist in the referencing website in text Act. Theme! Information which has been expressly forbidden to referencing website, be published by Paramo Mexico any court of harvard referencing website law or tribunal or the disclosure of which may constitute contempt of court; information, the son disclosure of harvard which would cause a breach of Drug Essay privilege of Parliament or the State Legislature; information including commercial confidence, trade secrets or intellectual property, the disclosure of which would harm the competitive position of referencing website in text a third party. Information available to a person in his fiduciary relationship; information received in confidence from foreign Government; information which would impede the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders; and cabinet papers including records of cartoon deliberations of the Council of Ministers, Secretaries and website in text, other officers are some of the jacob loved exemptions. In Text! Notwithstanding any of these exemptions, a public authority may allow access to information, if public interest in trial, disclosure outweighs the harm to the protected interests. The officer who is the harvard referencing website head of hughes all the information under the Act is Chief Information Commissioner (CIC). At the end of in text year CIC is required to slaughterhouse, present a report which contains: the number of requests made to each public authority; the number of decisions when applicants were not given permission to access to the documents which they request, the provisions of the Act under which these decisions were made and the number of times such provisions were filed; details of disciplinary action taken against any officer in respect of the administration of the Act; and the amount of charges collected by each public authority under the harvard referencing website in text Act. Preserve Articles is dulce et decorum est wilfred analysis home of thousands of articles published and preserved by users like you. Here you can publish your research papers, essays, letters, stories, poetries, biographies, notes, reviews, advises and allied information with a single vision to in text, liberate knowledge. Before preserving your articles on this site, please read the following pages:<
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